About Thirty

Arturo attends the wedding of an ex schoolmate he keeps among his friends. On the way between the church and the party, there is a car accident from which Arturo manages to escape unharmed. From that moment on, a series of memories begin unfold in the form of flashbacks that involve the most significant events and people of his recent times.

About Thirty

Arturo a los 30
Argentina / 92 min / 2023 / fiction
Texas Premiere
in Spanish with English subtitles
Direction: Martín Shanly
Screenplay: Martín Shanly, Ana Godoy, Federico Lastra, Victoria Marotta
Cinematography: Federico Lastra
Editing: Ana Godoy
Producers: Jerónimo Quevedo, Victoria Marotta, Paloma Torras, Franco Bacchiani
Cast: Martín Shanly, Camila Dougall, Julia Azcurra, Ivo Colonna Olsen


A millennial comedy, perhaps, but a social one, about the struggle of being out in the world. And, more than that, one that quickly becomes unstuck in time. With each ridiculous and pathetic scenario, we are thrown into the past, into a series of flashbacks that are progressively sadder and show the disconnect between Arturo and the people around him. Once we reach a certain age, our awkwardness is no longer endearing... What else to do but laugh?