Money Exchange

The film is set in the world of the “arbolitos”, those characters that, planted along the Florida pedestrian street, offer tourists in Buenos Aires to buy their dollars at the best price. There takes place the life of a young man who is moved by the ambition to raise the money that allows him to improve his life in the shortest possible time, and that he will not hesitate to take the necessary risks to achieve it.

Money Exchange

Cambio Cambio
Argentina / 90 min / 2022 / fiction
US Premiere
in Spanish with English subtitles
Direction: Lautaro García Candela
Screenplay: Lautaro García Candela
Cinematography: Joaquin Neira
Editing: Ramiro Sonzini, Lautaro García Candela
Producers: Juan Segundo Alamos, Ivan Moscovich, Magdalena Schavelzon, Pablo Piedras, Gonzalo Garcia-Pelayo
Cast: Ignacio Quesada, Camila Peralta, Valeria Santa, Mucio Mancini, Dario Levy


How to film an economic crisis? How to show this in dramatic terms? Make it understood to an audience who doesn't know its particulars? Or, perhaps more importantly, how to renew this experience for those who have lived it, or are still going through it? The characters of Money Exchange are on their feet all day, hustling for money. The film introduces specific Buenos Aires streets and their micro-economy and from there builds a thriller, slowly upping the stakes for the characters until the price of a dollar in Argentina will decide the fate of several lives.